Friday, 6 June 2014

Edging God Out...

THE WORD Ego means...Edging God Out!Even the greatest and most enlightened being ever to walk the earth,Jesus Christ,had an EGO while he was here,even though he may be totally egoless NOW.One day,meaning many,many thousands of years and many more incarnations,we,too,may be totally egoless,Ascended Masters.That is WHY we are here!We are here to return to our ageless,Primordial Self,or Higher Consciousness,as some people call It..Only when the dark storm clouds of EGO are finally dispersed can the blindingly- bright light of the Solar Self shine forth,as it did in Jesus Christ some twenty centuries ago.Those who have been granted a brief glimpse of the Inner light report that It is many,many times more intense than the Sun in its full strength!!I should be an Ascended Master in about- a million years,give or take....Not long.

The Primordial Self is an uninmaginally vast Being,which is shared by every entity who exists in the Universe!!It is the One Son/Daughter which God created before time was,before the physical universe came into being,before the collective Sonship created it as a hiding place from God.Goddess...There IS no hiding place from Source,of course!Yes,even those we call ETs share this same ancient,Primordial Presence...


  1. OMG,you are up there with Charles effing Dickens!


    Alex Graham Tell

  2. ET phone home....
