Thursday, 15 May 2014

I RECENTLY read on the Internet that one of our greatest living geniuses,Stephen Fry,attempted to kill himself whilst filming for the BBC in 2012..I have enormous admiration for what I call the Old Fry-Up,who has used his celebrity to help bring  Bipolar Disorder out into the open.It would have been a great loss to the world had Stephen Fry succeeded in taking his own life.Although I'm not a genius,I can be very creative and productive whilst in manic mode which,unlike it's opposite polarity,the Black Abyss,is relatively tolerable.In my opinion,the strong flow of creative energy,manic energy,issues forth from the soul,or Solar Self,as I prefer to call it.Both the famous Dutch artist,Vincent van Gogh and the late comedian,Spike Milligan,suffered from Bipolar Disorder,or Manic Depression,as the condition was called up to 20 or more years ago.I call the deep,dark,depressive mode the Black Shithole of Calcutta,or Zone of The Zombies!


  1. would the Olde Fry-Up welcome some decent comedy scripts from my very talented self?

  2. Dear Leo,

    Yes please.
    The Fry-Up.
