The mighty winds are roaring loud,
On yon horizon the great black cloud,
Fear not those in deep slumber now,
The alarm clock will soon awaken thou,
Though its strident chimes will deafen thee,
And great terror will want to make you flee,
Thou will be as steadfast as the mighty oak,
Even though in thou the destruction may provoke,
Primordial panic and great, great fear,
Of all that thou hast long held dear,
Alas, all this must die and pass away,
If there is to be a brand new day,
The new era called the Aquarian Age,
Which has long been known by many a sage,
The dawning of this most glorious, golden time,
Began way back in Eighteen Seventy Nine,
The Masters wished all of us to know,
That despite the great pain and woe,
We would be forever safe and sound,
On the journey Homeward bound,
Towards the Light that dispels the gloom,
Though it may well look more like doom,
The rusty shackles of countless centuries past,
Will be broken by the mighty Smith at last,
Slaves no longer ye shall be,
For thou destiny is Eternity,
The roaring winds of great change,
Mighty in their power and range,
All before them will sweep,
Those trapped in deep,nightmarish sleep,
Again, fear not, o children of the Earth,
Before the advent of the birth,
Must come the cleansing of the oceans,
The deep and dark old emotions,
That have lain in the depths of thou mind,
Of which thou have been happy to be blind,
The filth of aeons must now rise,
Which will illicit countless cries,
As it says in the Book of Revelation,
The tears of every single nation,
Will be gone, the old Earth hath passed away,
Behold the brand - new Golden Day!
Before the advent of the birth,